What is your opinion of Men’s jobs and Women’s jobs
In China, if you asked a more than 50 years-old man “Who did housework in your family when you were a child?” The answer would be “My mother.” And you continued your question “How about the situation now, in your own family?” Maybe the answer has changed into “My wife does more and I do a little.” But when you asked the same question to a 15 years-old child, he may give the answer “Mother and father do housework together.” Then the 25 years-old man who has just married may answer “We share housework on Saturday and Sunday.” And you hear “I do much more housework than my wife.” which would not be strange.
People of different ages gave different answers, showed different times of China. That gave us three points of view:
1. Men and women are become more equal in the area of housework.
2. Women have begin to do paid work now.
3. Women are as busy as men during the weekdays.
That is because, after 1978, the Chinese government didn’t allow families to have more children in order to control the large population increase. Also a law called “Population And Family Plannig Law” was published. One family one child, firstly, that gave the whole family enough time to do other work especially for mother. In the old times, mothers were housewives. There were more than 3 children in one family and took up of a mother’s time. When it became only one child, the mother had much more time of herself. Some of them tried to do paid work. Secondly, when the child grew up, either boy or girl, who was the only hope of the family, they were gaven the best education. So we could see many women got bachelor’s degree, even masters or the doctor’s degree. They did most paid work as well as men. It is hard to say what jobs women can’t do.
But there are also much more differences between women and man, such as physiological characteristics. Men are taller and stronger than women. Then can do hand work and kept their strength longer. So just like carpenters, mechanics, butchers etc are men’s jobs. But women are more careful, patient and easy to get along well with, they are very good teachers, nurses, and secretaries. There are also some careers that women and men do together. For example, you can see women doctors and men doctors, women lawyers and men lawyers and so on. It’s hard to say, why more and more women go into politics, but women politicians are very rare. In my opinion, that is the problem left over by history, maybe.
And what is your opinion of men’s jobs and women’s jobs?